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Yoga Pratice service - Philippe Jacquet & Associates

Practice in the office of Philippe Jacquet & Associates


Yoga is a constant personal effort to improve the connection of mind, body and spirit.

The Holistic Approach To Health And Well-Being Through Yoga

Historically, and in different areas of the world, yoga has meant many different things. Yoga is a word that comes from the ancient language of Sanskrit and references to yoga can be found in the earliest writings by great scholars and writers dating back as early as 250AD. In this context it was meant to signify “yoking together” or the coming together of humans and the Divine through specific practices, reflections and knowledge.

In today’s meaning, yoga, at least in common usage, is most often associated with specific types of stretching as well as poses. In essence, it is much more and, by following specific physical movements combined with discipline, breathing and meditation, one is able to more closely unite one’s mind, body and spirit. The part of yoga that includes stretching and holding specific poses is designed to strengthen the muscles and allow energy to flow through the body. This specific process or practice is correctly known as asana.

Yoga Traditions

Yoga is considered a non-touch type of bodywork since the teacher does not actually touch the student, but rather provides insight into flexibility, breathing and positioning. Each tradition or method uses the same basic poses and techniques but they may be used differently and for different specific purposes.

The aim of stretching and building strength is to move the energy throughout the body and create harmony and balance. Strength must be balanced with flexibility for effective body functioning and for a strong body and mind connection.

Learning The Practice

It is a continuous personal endeavor to strengthen the bond between mind , body and spirit and your interaction with the environment around you. Also master yoga teachers and students are actively striving to develop their own particular techniques; their yoga practice.

Yoga is a perfect way to calm and unwind whilst still allowing your mind the freedom to concentrate on your own wonderful body and skills. It’s not difficult and there’s no effort to hit a certain standard, everybody is both a learner and an instructor.

People also do not want to practice because they are worried that they are not agile or competitive at the moment. However, owing to the inclusive aspect of the program, there is little question over the present degree of health or versatility.

Yoga And Therapy

Yoga is a natural match for patients in therapy who are working through issues of stress, anxiety, lack of self-esteem, low self-confidence, depression, addition recovery or those who just want to develop greater self-discipline and self-understanding.

While there are classes available in many fitness centres and spas, going to a one-on-one teacher is a wonderful experience. You will immediately feel relaxed and the teacher will start with the basics at your comfort level. As you practice and gain ability you will advance to different poses and stretches and incorporate breathing and mediation into your yoga practice.

At Philippe Jacquet & Associates were are very happy to provide in-home or in-office sessions. These will be done one-on-one, allowing you to feel comfortable and confident as you build your body, mind and spirit.

Posted by: Philippe Jacquet
